eBook-Mom's BookSneeze Reviews

BookSneeze is a program sponsored by a publishing company that gives free e-books to bloggers in exchange for a review posted on the blogger's website and a commercial website like Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

I love their slogan: Great books are contagious, I get them from Booksneeze.

If you would like to learn more about this program, click the BookSneeze icon.

I review for BookSneeze®

eBook-mom Explains the BookSneeze Program

Booksneeze is a program where bloggers can earn free e-books in exchange for posting a review on their blog and a commercial website like Amazon or Barnes and Noble. To sign up for the program, visit the Booksneeze website and fill out a short form.  Booksneeze will review the form and ultimately approve your membership into the Booksneeze program.

After you’re approved

When you are approved to the program, you will register and login into Booksneeze and choose an e-book to review. You can either download the e-book from the website or ask them to send you a hard copy of the book.  Then at your own pace, read the book and when you’re ready, write a review and post it (more)

BookSneeze Reviews

Strike it Rich with Pocket Change

"Strike it Rich with Pocket Change", by Ken Potter and Dr. Brian Allen,is the ultimate reference book for beginning and experienced coin collectors . . .(more)

The Book that Made Your World, How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization

The Book that Made Your World -- How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization, by Vishal Mangalwadi is is a good read and a great reference book to have in one's collection. If you are hesitating about reading a book on such a difficult subject, don't. Vishal Mangalwadi is not only a good writer but he is a very good teacher with a lot of passion and knowledge of this subject matter (more)

Rudy, My Story

Rudy My Story, by Rudy Ruettigger, with Mark Dagostino, is an autobiographical journey that takes you well beyond the "Rudy" story.   In this book, Reuttigger writes about the "Rudy" message and what happens after you fulfill your dreams (more)

Men of Sunday

The Men of Sunday and How Faith Guide the Players, Coaches and Wives of the NFL is a real eye-opener.  I never knew that a culture of prayer and worship exists in the NFL.  This book is a wonderful compilation of the different spiritual experiences of the players, coaches and wives.  You might assume that this book is totally about proving that there is a spiritual side to the NFL; buts this book is so much more than just a statement.  Instead it's the story of how a sport with a culture of violence yields to the hopes and beliefs of its players.   Even though this book doesn't "talk" football, it answers a lot of questions about how men and women of faith participate in such a competitive and aggressive sport and still stay faithful (more)

These e-books available at Amazon

If you'd like to receive these e-books for free like I did, hurry on over to BookSneeze and sign up for their wonderful program at  BookSneeze

Want to purchase these e-books?  Support eBook-mom and click on the amazon links to buy these e-books.  Thanks for your support!