Jan 12

My Darling Wonderful Fantastic Jo,

Yes my love I will be yours...always.

I am doing ok. Plan on doing some walking next week to see if that helps. I feel that i am getting better though not near fast enough.

Please feel free to write as much as you want. I have more time to read than write.

My sexy woman whenever I go to bed you are there with me. I cuddle you in front of me and wrap my arms around you. I kiss your neck and shoulders and whisper in your ear how fucking sexy you are and how I crave that sexy body of yours. You are so fucking exciting and your body so thrilling to explore. I am so glad that I own all of you and so look forward to having you and touching you as I please. To feel your skin, your breasts and all the wonderful secret places you have and will reveal to me.

I just so fucking love you...

Your old man

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