Day three . . .
This is my third blog post today. I have gone from not being able to write one blog to not being able to stop.
Why can't I just enjoy the writing? I'm not hurting anyone and I do pay a pretty penny for the web hosting, so why not take advantage? Maybe somebody will find this post entertaining or informative. Or maybe nobody will find this page interesting and just click away?
Here I go, thinking too hard already.
This reminds me of the Fly Lady and cleaning my house. Do you know of the Fly Lady?
She's this wonderful woman who has developed a website to help people organize themselves and clean. You can find her at Fly Anyway, she has a wonderful website and is a great coach for getting you motivated to clean your house and to organize your life.
You can sign up for emails from the Fly Lady but I warn you, the Fly Lady sends a lot of emails, I have like 10,000 in the past year. A bulk of those emails are for the products that she sells. I'm not upset about the emails because she is advertising some great products and also because I love the Fly Lady, she's like a friendly aunt -- so go ahead Fly Lady, flood my inbox, it's okay. Anyway, you've been warned.
The reason I've brought up the Fly Lady is that she has this idea that sometimes people don't clean because they want to get everything perfect. It's kind of like: either do it perfect or not at all. The Fly Lady just wants you to try. That's all. She says that it's okay not to do something perfect. For example, you don't have to move all the furniture to vacuum all the time. Instead, just vacuum where you can. Later, you will move furniture. Just get started; that's the important thing.
That's the way I'm trying to look at this whole blogging thing -- just do it, work towards being perfect. Anyway, is any writer every perfect? Is there such a thing as perfect? What's a reasonable level to reach for? What do you think? Is it all right to practice out in the open or should I just wait until I become a better writer to finally blog? (ouch! That's a scary thought to put out there -- be gentle with your comments please! :)
Can't wait to read your comments!
I'd love to know what you think