ClickBank Affiliate Marketing

The other day I stumbled on to an affiliate marketing website and I was immediately grabbed by the simplicity of their system. ClickBank is an affiliate marketing program where you can choose a product or a service to promote and get paid when someone buys that product or service from your link.

Once you sign up for a free account, you will have access to their marketplace where there are approximately 23 categories of products or services that you can choose to promote. Choose a category and you will be taken to a page where you can view the products and services, along with various earning statistics and a link to product webpages. The most helpful statistic given in the product description is the "gravity" score that reflects how many affiliates have made a sale in the recent period of eight weeks.

When you choose the product you wish to promote, you are given a HOPLINK that is a referral tracking URL that is tied to your account and the product you have chosen to promote. You will be given two versions of he HOPLINK: one you can use in an email, Twitter and Facebook and one that is HTML code that you can paste in a website or other source that requires html formatting.

There is not a limit to how many products you can promote and you don't need your own website to promote a product. ClickBank is different from other affiliate marketing programs because you don't have to be approved to become an affiliate marketer -- you can begin right away.

I just signed up, so I don't have any personal data to report but I will share with you in the future about my experience. In doing my research about this program, I've found both good and bad reviews. What I did find encouraging is there are a fair amount of articles that not only give the positives about the program but also discuss how to overcome the negatives or downsides of the program.

Affiliate marketing on the internet is a job that requires deep devotion and hard work. This program is encouraging because one is given a good set of tools to work with, a defined system to work within; and an excellent resource or "Help Center" to answer question and give good solid tips about the program.

The information for this article was taken from the ClickBank Help resources and a wonderful article published on the AFFiLORAMA website:
To find out more about the ClickBank program click this link