4/11/2015 11:35pm
Indian romance novels are my new guilty pleasure. There's nothing better than reading how two people, thrown together by tradition and culture, beat the odds and fall in love. My favorite Indian romance novel so far has been Love After Marriage by Bhagya Chandra.
How did I find these books
I would have never found these wonderful books if I hadn't signed on for a subscription to Kindle unlimited. For just "$9.99 you get access to 700,000 titles and thousands of audio books on any device."
Before you get too excited
I love my Kindle unlimited subscription but it wasn't love at first sight. In the beginning I was really disappointed that most of the best sellers are not on the Kindle unlimited list. In fact, most of the books available on the Kindle unlimited list are books that are self-published by the authors. When I figured this out, I wanted to cancel my subscription.
Don't get me wrong
Well, not all the books are self-published by the author, there are a good many titles that are classics or popular novels like Mark Halprin's Winters Tale, James Elroy's Clandestine and Irwin Shaw's Rich Man Poor Man, just to name a few. Also, Amazon seems to add books on a regular basis. So if you don't see it one week, it could be there the next week.
Having fun and learning too
The best thing about Kindle unlimited is that there are so many undiscovered books waiting to be discovered. Like the Indian romance books that I discovered. I could surf the net for hours researching Indian culture but it is so much more fun to read an Indian romance at be entertained while learning all about the Indian culture. I would have never found these Indian romances at my local library but thanks to Amazon, I get to discover a whole other world of exciting culture.
There is a limit to the unlimited
The only downside that is hard to get past is the fact that there is a limit to the unlimited service: you can only download ten books at a time. But the good news is, the book will always be available to "check-out" again unlike the public library or other services that have a finite copies of the e-book to lend.
Highly recommend
Indian romance novels are my favorite books to read right now. I just finished NRI: Now Returned to India and I am starting Jaldimatrimony.com. I highly recommend both reading Indian romance novels and subscribing to Kindle unlimited. If you do both these things, you'll be in for some really great entertainment.